
I am compelled to begin this blog on a very straight forward, shoot from the hip, no smoke and mirrors, say what is on my mind kind of way.  First, I will let you know that this blog will be about fashion and all things that come with it.  I am in no way a professional. Not a professional photographer. Not a professional stylist, not even a professional dresser.  I am not a size 4 nor do I have the budget to rock the latest $200 pair of jeans.  I am a woman on the journey to express MY joy of fashion.  I am not in collaborations with any company that wants me to design something for them (it would be nice, not going to hate).  I am a woman who loves clothes and shoes and accessories (in no particular order) and think it would be a cool idea to share with the world and get feedback in the same.  Also, I am starting my love affair with make-up.  Make-up has always been an enigma to me.  Which colors to blend to get this effect, which to put on first concealer or foundation.  But through trail and error I have learned a few tips and tricks.  I will gladly share those with you as I go.  Again this is going to be a learning experience for me.  I think it will be fun to see the progression over the months to come.

Thanks for joining me for this journey through fashion life.  Who knows where this may lead!